Detailed Guidelines for Academic Transcript
Academic Transcript issued by the university is a consolidated official record of a candidate throughout a programme consisting of complete events of enrolment comprising each of the subjects and papers studied in every semester, the credit value of each paper and the score or grades obtained in each along with the medium of instruction and date of publication of the final result.
Following are extensive guidelines to apply for Academic Transcript:
1) Download the Application Form from the link given below.
2) Fill in the downloaded form (To be filled in separately for students applying for both UG and PG) and affix your self-attested photograph.
3) In addition to the filled in form, attach scanned copies of original grade cards
a) All the six semester grade cards for UG
b) Each of the four semester grade cards for PG
(Provisional grade cards will be accepted only in case the originals have not been issued.)
4) The requisite fee for academic transcript is a minimum of Rs. 900/- charged per student per course of study for a set of 3 copies. Beyond this an additional amount of Rs. 300/- will be charged per copy in accordance with the student’s need. In other words, if a student wants to apply for both UG and PG then a minimum of Rs. 1800/- for three copies of each UG and PG will be charged.
5) Make the online payment to the following Bank account of the University
A/C NUMBER : 35057908697
6) Essential documents to apply for academic transcript are listed below.
Clear scanned copies of
a) Properly filled in application form
b) Original grade cards of each semester
c) Payment receipt confirming successful transaction
Mail the aforementioned documents to the Controller of Examinations at sb.coe@presiuniv.ac.in for subsequent processing of the academic transcript application mentioning your University Registration number and contact number.
7) Academic Transcript (printed version only) may be collected by the student or duly authorized person (having mentioned the identification number of any Government ID in the letter of authorization addressed to the Controller of Examinations) normally after 7 working days of duly submission of application, upon receiving mail confirming its availability.
8) It should be noted that additional postal charges will be applied for sending transcripts directly to the institutions. For the same apply separately stating the complete postal address of the concerned Institution requesting to the Controller of Examinations for sending your official Transcript to the particular address.
## For further enquiry/clarification visit the Office of the Controller of Examinations on any working day.