Instructions for Course Registration: EVEN Semester 2024-2025 Session

PG Second Semester


The PG (Postgraduate) students need to study total five MAJOR courses of 4 credits each in their Second semester.

All courses offered in the Second Semester will be covered under the comprehensive registration.

The courses offered by various departments for the EVEN Semester 2024-2025 are listed below. The PG Second semester students are requested to choose and register for the courses, as per the requirement, in the stipulated timeline.

The entire registration process is done ONLINE. It is recommended to use Computer System instead of mobile to apply for registration of courses. Please use your OWN VALID email ID and mobile no. for the registration.

The steps of the registration process are as follows:

1) Online Registration of Courses shall be preceded by an online facility of opening of an account of Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) by the student/s (at NAD Digilocker Portal) which is mandatory.

2) After opening of ABC account (or if already having an ABC account), the students shall select and register their courses on the university portal.

3) The students shall crosscheck their names in the list of applicants to ensure that the registration is done.

4) Registration of courses shall be completed with online payment of semester fees, examination fees etc. (as applicable) by the students.

5) The students shall download registration cards.

Major Courses: 4 credits

‘Major’ is a compulsory course studied by a student from his/her own major department.

The list of MAJOR courses offered by various departments for EVEN Semester 2024-2025 session is given below. The PG Second SEMESTER students are requested to register for their respective MAJOR courses.

DepartmentPaper codePaper Name
AstrophysicsASTP0801Electromagnetism and Special Relativity
AstrophysicsASTP0802Fundamentals of Quantum Physics-II
AstrophysicsASTP0803Introduction to Astrophysics
AstrophysicsASTP0891Mathematical and Computational Physics-II
AstrophysicsASTP0892Experimental Physics
BengaliBENG0801Bhasacharcha, Upabhasatatwa, Samajbhasabigan
BengaliBENG0802Unish O Bis Shataker Kabya-Kabita Path
BengaliBENG0803Unish O Bis Shataker Upanyas Path
BengaliBENG0804Chhotogalpo Path, Akhyaner Rakamfer O Akhyan Path
BengaliBENG0891Path-Samalochana Prastuti O Baktabya-Upasthapan (Sessional)
BiotechnologyBITG0801Immunology and disease biology
BiotechnologyBITG0802Microbiology & Analytical techniques
BiotechnologyBITG0803Bioinformatics & Genomics and Proteomics
BiotechnologyBITG0891Practical on Microbiology & Bioinformatics and Genomics
BiotechnologyBITG0892Practical on Immunology, & Analytical techniques
ChemistryCHEM0801General Organic Chemistry - II
ChemistryCHEM0802General Inorganic Chemistry ? II
ChemistryCHEM0803General Physical Chemistry - II
ChemistryCHEM0891Organic Chemistry Lab
ChemistryCHEM0892Computer Application
EconomicsECON0801Advanced Microeconomics II
EconomicsECON0802Money, Financial Market and Institutions
EconomicsECON0803Advanced Econometrics I
EconomicsECON0804Advanced Econometrics II
EconomicsECON0891Applied Econometrics I
EnglishENGL0801Narrative I
EnglishENGL0802Advanced Theory (post 1900)
EnglishENGL0803Literature of the Holocaust (Optional 1)
EnglishENGL0804New Woman (Optional 2)
EnglishENGL0891Sessional 2
GeographyGEOG0801Climatology and Oceanography
GeographyGEOG0802Regional Planning and Geography of Trade and Transport
GeographyGEOG0803Philosophy of Geography and Geopolitical Issues
GeographyGEOG0891Advanced Analytical Techniques
GeographyGEOG0892Advanced Geoinformatics
HindiHIND0801Bhasha Vigyan
HindiHIND0802Hindi Natak
HindiHIND0803Samakalin Hindi Kavita
HindiHIND0804Hindi Sahitya Ka Itihas (Adhunik Kal)
HindiHIND0881Pandulipi Addhyayan
HindiHIND0881ASahityik Kriti Ka Filmantran
HindiHIND0881BSahityakar Ke Aitihasik Evam Sahityik Vaktitya Ki Tulna
HistoryHIST0801BSources of Medieval Indian History
HistoryHIST0802BEarly Indian Social Orders: Structures and Processes
HistoryHIST0803BCulture and Society in Early Modern South Asia
HistoryHIST0804DA History of Small Communities of Foreign Origin in Colonial India
HistoryHIST0891Research Methodology: Reading Texts in History
Life SciencesBIOS0801Genetics and Molecular Biology
Life SciencesBIOS0802Environment, Ecology & Evolution
Life SciencesBIOS0803Microbiology & Immunology
Life SciencesBIOS0891Genetics, Ecology and Environmental Science Practical
Life SciencesBIOS0892Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Immunology practical and Grand Viva
MathematicsMATH0801Algebra - II
MathematicsMATH0802Geometry - I
MathematicsMATH0803Operations Research
MathematicsMATH0891Measure and Probability
MathematicsMATH0892Mathematical Methods - I and Graph Theory
Molecular MicrobiologyMLMB0801Microbial genetics & Immunology
Molecular MicrobiologyMLMB0802Host-microbe interaction & Analytical techniques
Molecular MicrobiologyMLMB0803Bioinformatics & Genomics and Proteomics
Molecular MicrobiologyMLMB0891Practical on Microbial genetics, Host-microbes interaction, & Bioinformatics
Molecular MicrobiologyMLMB0892Practical on Immunology & Analytical techniques
Performing ArtsPFAR0801Concepts and Theories in a Comparative Framework (Part 1)
Performing ArtsPFAR0802Text and Performance: Adaptations and Translations
Performing ArtsPFAR0803Cultural History of Indian Performing Arts ? Medieval Society
Performing ArtsPFAR0891Living Traditions
Performing ArtsPFAR0892Practice as Research - II
PhilosophyPHIL0801Western Logic 2
PhilosophyPHIL0802Indian Metaphysics
PhilosophyPHIL0803Social and Political Philosophy
PhilosophyPHIL0804Western Ethics
PhilosophyPHIL0881Sessional 2 - Presentation/seminar/work shop
PhysicsPHYS0801Statistical Mechanics
PhysicsPHYS0802Quantum Mechanics-II
PhysicsPHYS0803 Condensed Matter Physics
PhysicsPHYS0891PG Laboratory-III (Computational Techniques)
PhysicsPHYS0892PG Laboratory-IV
Political SciencePOLS0801Research Methodology
Political SciencePOLS0802International Relations: Theory and Practice
Political SciencePOLS0803Studies in Comparative Politics
Political SciencePOLS0804Public Administration and Public Policy
Political SciencePOLS0881Sessional
SociologySOCL0802ASociology of Childhood (Optional)
SociologySOCL0802BSociology of Education (Optional)
SociologySOCL0803Religion and Embodiment
SociologySOCL0804Indian Society
SociologySOCL0891Sessional 2
StatisticsSTAT0801Mathematics II
StatisticsSTAT0802Probability II
StatisticsSTAT0803Inference II
StatisticsSTAT0891Regression II
StatisticsSTAT0892Sample Survey and Design of Experiments
Virology and ImmunologyVRIM0801Advanced Immunology
Virology and ImmunologyVRIM0802Advanced Virology
Virology and ImmunologyVRIM0803Bioinformatics & Genomics and Proteomics
Virology and ImmunologyVRIM0891Practical on Immunological Techniques
Virology and ImmunologyVRIM0892Practical on Virological Techniques


PG Fourth Semester


The PG (Postgraduate) students need to study total five MAJOR courses of 4 credits each in their Fourth semester.

All courses offered in the Fourth Semester will be covered under the comprehensive registration.

The courses offered by various departments for the EVEN Semester 2024-2025 are listed below. The PG Fourth semester students are requested to choose and register for the courses, as per the requirement, in the stipulated timeline.

Major Courses: 4 credits

‘Major’ is a compulsory course studied by a student from his/her own major department.

The list of MAJOR courses offered by various departments for EVEN Semester 2024-2025 session is given below. The PG Fourth SEMESTER students are requested to register for their respective MAJOR courses.

DepartmentPaper codePaper Name
AstrophysicsASTP1091Project-II : Formulation of Project Proposal
AstrophysicsASTP1092Project-III : Dissertation
AstrophysicsASTP1093Project-IV : Defense Seminar and Open Viva
AstrophysicsASTP1094Project-V: Comprehensive Viva
AstrophysicsASTP1095Observatory Internship/Night Lab
BengaliBENG1001AMangalkabyer Swarup O Mangalkabya Path
BengaliBENG1001BChotogalpa-Bishayak Bhabna, Bangladesher Chotogalpa, Bhinnabhashar Chotogalpa
BengaliBENG1001CCharer Dashak : Natun Pather Sandhan O Bangladesher Kabita
BengaliBENG1001DNatak Bishayak Gadya O Bish Shataker Bangla Natak
BengaliBENG1002APuthi Path, Angik, Gouna Dharma-Darshan O Sahityadhara
BengaliBENG1002BChotogalpa Path
BengaliBENG1002CPancher Dashak : Swadhinata-Uttar Kabita
BengaliBENG1002DTheatre-er Shilpatattwa, Theatre-i Bitarka O Bangla Natak
BengaliBENG1003Sahityer Nana Sangrup : Sahitya Samalochana, Prabandha, Bhraman Sahitya, Dayeri O Shishusahitya
BengaliBENG1004Bangladesher Sahitya
BengaliBENG1091AGabeshana-Abhisandarbha Prastuti O Baktabya-Upasthapan
BengaliBENG1091BGabeshana-Abhisandarbha Prastuti O Baktabya-Upasthapan
BengaliBENG1091CGabeshana-Abhisandarbha Prastuti O Baktabya-Upasthapan
BengaliBENG1091DGabeshana-Abhisandarbha Prastuti O Baktabya-Upasthapan
BiotechnologyBITG1001Biostatistics & Bioethics and Intellectual Property Right
BiotechnologyBITG1091Dissertation: Scientific writing and presentation
BiotechnologyBITG1092Dissertation: Journal presentation and group discussion
BiotechnologyBITG1093Dissertation: Thesis writing and defense
BiotechnologyBITG1094Dissertation: Innovation, Design and Entrepreneurship Alliance (IDEA) & Grand Viva
ChemistryCHEM1001AAdvanced Organic Chemistry -II
ChemistryCHEM1001BAdvanced Inorganic Chemistry -II
ChemistryCHEM1001CAdvanced Physical Chemistry -II
ChemistryCHEM1002AAdvanced Organic Chemistry -III
ChemistryCHEM1002BAdvanced Inorganic Chemistry -III
ChemistryCHEM1002CAdvanced Physical Chemistry -III
ChemistryCHEM1003Seminar/Review and Grand Viva
ChemistryCHEM1091Project Dissertation
ChemistryCHEM1092Project presentation, defense, proposal
EconomicsECON1001Issues in Development Economics II
EconomicsECON1091Quantitative Finance
EconomicsECON1092Project Part II
EnglishENGL1001Special Author (Non-British): Rabindranath Tagore
EnglishENGL1002Special Area: Literature of the Anthropocene
EnglishENGL1004Narrative 2
EnglishENGL1091Sessional 4
GeographyGEOG1001ARegional Geomorphic Entities (Elective Stream I: Core Physical Geography)
GeographyGEOG1001BGeography of Development and Political Economy (Elective Stream II: Core Human Geography)
GeographyGEOG1002A1Sediment in the Fluvial System (Special Paper for Elective Stream I: Option A - River Science)
GeographyGEOG1002A2Assessing Landscape and Water Quality (Special Paper for Elective Stream I: Option B - Physical Basis of Landscape Management)
GeographyGEOG1002B1Sustainable Urban Development (Special Paper for Elective Stream II: Option A - Regional Development and Urban Studies)
GeographyGEOG1002B2Social Well-Being and Community Development with special reference to India (Special Paper for Elective Stream II: Option B - Geographies of Development)
GeographyGEOG1003A1Riverine Landscape Components and Management (Special Paper for Elective Stream I: Option A - River Science)
GeographyGEOG1003A2Integrated Landscape and Water Management (Special Paper for Elective Stream I: Option B - Physical Basis of Landscape Management)
GeographyGEOG1003B1Urban Governance, Infrastructure and Development (Special Paper for Elective Stream II: Option A - Regional Development and Urban Studies)
GeographyGEOG1003B2Agricultural Geography (Special Paper for Elective Stream II: Option B - Geographies of Development)
GeographyGEOG1091Fieldwork Project
GeographyGEOG1092Dissertation Project
HindiHIND1001Bharatiya Upanyas
HindiHIND1002Madhyakalin Hindi Kavita
HindiHIND1003Prayojanmulak Hindi
HindiHIND1004Hindi Alochana Sahitya
HindiHIND1081Do Kritiyoin Ka Tulnatmak Adhyayan
HistoryHIST1001AIndian Economy ca. 1750 - 1950
HistoryHIST1002ALiterature and Literary History in Modern South Asia
HistoryHIST1003BSocio-Religious Thoughts and Movements in Medieval India
HistoryHIST1004ASouth Asia Since 1947: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
HistoryHIST1091Dissertation Part II
Life SciencesBIOS1001AResearch Frontiers in Proteo-genomics
Life SciencesBIOS1001BDevelopmental Gene Program and Plasticity
Life SciencesBIOS1001CAdvanced Macromolecular Structure Function Dynamics
Life SciencesBIOS1001DCell death Deregulation and Diseases
Life SciencesBIOS1001EEcological Sustainability and Bioprospecting
Life SciencesBIOS1001FEndocrine Pathophysiology, Toxicology and Toxicity Management
Life SciencesBIOS1001GErgonomics, Occupational Health Management, Clinical Nutrition and Emerging Diseases
Life SciencesBIOS1001HBiotechnological methods in crop improvement
Life SciencesBIOS1002Research ethics and good laboratory practice, Entrepreneurship and Skill development / Grant Proposal writing
Life SciencesBIOS1003 Review writing and research article presentation
Life SciencesBIOS1091Dissertation submission
Life SciencesBIOS1092Presentation and defense of dissertation work
MathematicsMATH1001Algebra - III
MathematicsMATH1002Dynamical Systems
MathematicsMATH1003A1Operator Algebra
MathematicsMATH1003B5Advanced Numerical Analysis - II
MathematicsMATH1091Mathematical Computing with Python
Molecular MicrobiologyMLMB1001Biostatistics & Bioethics and Intellectual Property Right
Molecular MicrobiologyMLMB1091Dissertation: Scientific writing and presentation
Molecular MicrobiologyMLMB1092Dissertation: Journal presentation and group discussion
Molecular MicrobiologyMLMB1093Dissertation: Thesis writing and defense
Molecular MicrobiologyMLMB1094Dissertation: Microbiological laboratory visit and Grand viva
Performing ArtsPFAR1001Theatre and Acting
Performing ArtsPFAR1002Dance in India: Practice and Theory
Performing ArtsPFAR1003Indian Music
Performing ArtsPFAR1091Performance Presentation
Performing ArtsPFAR1092Dissertation Part 2
PhilosophyPHIL1001Phenomenology and Existentialism
PhilosophyPHIL1002Modern Indian Thoughts
PhilosophyPHIL1003CPhilosophy of Mind 3 Consciousness
PhilosophyPHIL1003DNyaya 3
PhilosophyPHIL1004CPhilosophy of Mind 4 Contemporary Issues in Philosophy of Mind
PhilosophyPHIL1004DNyaya 4
PhilosophyPHIL1081Dissertation Writing
PhysicsPHYS1001AAdvanced Condensed Matter Physics-III
PhysicsPHYS1001BNuclear & Particle Physics-III
PhysicsPHYS1002AAdvanced Condensed Matter Physics-IV
PhysicsPHYS1002BNuclear & Particle Physics-IV
PhysicsPHYS1091AAdvanced Condensed Matter Physics-V Laboratory
PhysicsPHYS1091BNuclear & Particle Physics-V Laboratory
PhysicsPHYS1092Grand viva on General Physics
PhysicsPHYS1093AProject-II (continuation of Project-I)
PhysicsPHYS1093BPhysics of nanostructured materials
PhysicsPHYS1093CGeneral Theory of Relativity
PhysicsPHYS1093DNonlinear Physics
Political SciencePOLS1001Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy
Political SciencePOLS1002Indian Political Economy
Political SciencePOLS1003CIndia?s Indo-Pacific Policy: Southeast Asia, East Asia and QUAD
Political SciencePOLS1003DCivil Society and Democracy in India
Political SciencePOLS1004DPublic Policy
Political SciencePOLS1081Graduate Seminar/ Dissertation
SociologySOCL1001Gender and Sexuality
SociologySOCL1002AOptional- Sociology of Childhood
SociologySOCL1002BOptional- Sociology of Education
SociologySOCL1003AOptional- Intimate relations
SociologySOCL1003BOptional- Philosophy of Social Sciences
SociologySOCL1004Dissertation 2
SociologySOCL1091Sessional 4
StatisticsSTAT1001Special Paper - Biostatistics
StatisticsSTAT1002Special Paper - Data Mining
StatisticsSTAT1003Research Methodology: Nonparametric and Sequential Inference
StatisticsSTAT1091Combined Lab for STAT1001, STAT1002 and STAT1003
Virology and ImmunologyVRIM1001Biostatistics & Bioethics and Intellectual Property Right
Virology and ImmunologyVRIM1091Dissertation: Scientific writing and presentation
Virology and ImmunologyVRIM1092Dissertation: Journal presentation and group discussion
Virology and ImmunologyVRIM1093Dissertation: Thesis writing and defense
Virology and ImmunologyVRIM1094Dissertation: Virus Research Laboratory Visit & Grand Viva


Timeline for EVEN Semester 2024-2025 (for PG Second and Fourth Semester):

Course registration of PG Second and Fourth semester students for EVEN Semester 2024-2025 will commence from 2.00 pm of 7th February 2025. All the students shall register latest by 5.00 pm of 12th February 2025. The students can pay their fees during 7th February 2025 to 13th February 2025 to complete the entire course registration process.

All the students should download their Course registration card from 21st February - 25th February 2025, get it signed by the respective (major) Departmental Coordinator and Head of the Department and keep it with themselves till the end of the semester. The students may be asked to produce the registration card during the examinations, therefore, they must keep the card properly.

The students must stick to the registration schedule. No request for registration can be entertained after the stipulated dates.

The entire registration process is done ONLINE. It is recommended to use Computer System instead of mobile to apply for registration/ change of courses. To ensure that your registration is done, crosscheck your name in the list of applicants.

Registration of courses shall be completed with online payment of semester fees, examination fees etc. (as applicable) by the students.


Course Registration: 7th February - 12th February 2025

Payment of Fees: 7th February - 13th February 2025

Card Download: 21st February - 25th February 2025

Card Submission Last Date: 26th February 2025


The students may contact the faculty coordinator(s) if they need any help. The names of the departmental coordinators are as follows:





Saumyadip Samui


Sandip Kumar Mandal


Dibyendu Mallick; Debajyoti Pramanik;


Prithviraj Guha ; Jayeeta Deshmukh ;


Mousumi Mondal ; Anirban Ray ; Debanjana Nayek ; ;


Joy Sanyal


Utsab Ghosal


Rishi Bhusan Choubay


Kishan Sirswal; Deepa Khakha;

Life Science

MD Nur Alam ; Ayan Das ;


Pampa Paul

Performing Arts

Debaroti Chakraborty


Nusrat Jahan; Dibyendu Mondal ;


Subhendu Rajbanshi ; Abhishake Sadhukhan ;

Political Science

Madhura Damle; Y. Suresh Babu ;


Sumita Saha ; Sana Rahman ;


Saurav De



Step 1: Create ABC ID (or if already have an ABC account then go to Step 2)

Step 2: Course Registration

Step 3: Fees Payment

In case of further queries, the students may contact Course Registration Cell Joint Convenors:

Dr. Priyank Pravin Patel, Department of Geography

Dr. Jayeeta Deshmukh, Department of Economics

Dr. Nusrat Jahan, Department of Philosophy

Dr. Debanjana Nayek, Department of English

Controller of Examinations

2. Course Registration

Applicant List Course Registration Card