Instructions for Course Registration: EVEN Semester 2024-2025 Session

UG Second Semester


The UG (undergraduate) students need to study four types of courses in their SECOND semester – TWO MAJOR courses of 6 credits each, ONE AECC (Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course) of 4 credits, ONE MC (Minor Course) of 6 credits and TWO MDC (Multi-Disciplinary Course) of 3 credits each.

All types of courses offered in the Second Semester will be covered under the comprehensive registration.

The courses offered by various departments for the Even Semester 2024-2025 are listed below. The UG SECOND semester students are requested to choose and register for the courses, as per the requirement, within the stipulated timeline.

The steps of the registration process are as follows:

1) Online Registration of Courses shall be preceded by the opening of an account of Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) by the students (at NAD Digilocker Portal) which is mandatory.

2) After opening of ABC account (or if already having an ABC account), the students shall select and register for their courses on the university portal.

3) The students shall crosscheck their names in the list of applicants to ensure that the registration is done.

4) Registration of courses shall be completed with online payment of semester fees, examination fees etc. (as applicable) by the students.

5) The students shall download registration cards.

Major Courses: 6 credits

‘Major’ is a compulsory course studied by a student from his/her own major department.

The list of MAJOR courses offered by various departments for Even Semester 2024-2025 session is given below. The UG SECOND SEMESTER students are requested to register for their respective MAJOR courses.

DepartmentPaper codePaper Name
BengaliBENG151C03Bangla Bhasa : Anchalik O Samajik Boichitra
BengaliBENG152C04Bangalir Sangsktitik Jibancharja
EconomicsECON151C03Introductory Macroeconomics
EconomicsECON152C04Mathematical Methods in Economics-II
EnglishENGL151C03Indian Writing in English
EnglishENGL152C04British Poetry and Drama:14th to 17th Centuries
GeographyGEOG151C03Population and Settlement Geography
GeographyGEOG152C04Statistical Techniques in Geography
GeologyGEOL151C03Igneous Petrology
GeologyGEOL152C04Structural Geology
HindiHIND151C03Adikalin Evam Madhyakalin Hindi Kavita
HindiHIND152C04Adhunik Hindi Kavita (Chhayavad Tak)
HistoryHIST151C03History of India II (300BCE-750 CE)
HistoryHIST152C04Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of the Medieval World
Life SciencesLISC151C03Biochemistry and Biophysics
Life SciencesLISC152C04Fundamentals of Cell and Molecular Biology
MathematicsMATH151C03Real Analysis - I
MathematicsMATH152C04Groups and Rings - I
Performing Arts PFAR151C03Performance History - 1
Performing Arts PFAR191C04Performance Practice - 2
PhilosophyPHIL151C03Traditional Logic
PhilosophyPHIL152C04Systems of Indian Philosophy I
PhysicsPHYS151C03Waves and Optics
PhysicsPHYS152C04Electricity and Magnetism
Political SciencePOLS151C03Political Theory: Concepts and Debates
Political SciencePOLS152C04Indian Politics I
SociologySOCL151C03Classical Sociological Thought I
SociologySOCL152C04Colonialism & Society in India: The 19th Century
StatisticsSTAT151C03Linear Algebra
StatisticsSTAT152C04Probability and Probability Distributions II


AECC (Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course): 4 credits

AECC (Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course) is a course in language communication. For the students of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, MIL (Modern Indian Language) is the compulsory AECC in the UG Second semester. The students of Natural and Mathematical sciences are requested to choose ANY ONE of the following courses offered by various departments in Even semester 2024-2025 session:

DepartmentPaper codePaperTo offer to students of
BengaliBENG153AECC02Bangla Byakaran O NirmitiNatural and Mathematical Sciences
HindiHIND153AECC02Bhasha Hindi Aur SampreshanNatural and Mathematical Sciences


For the students of Humanities and Social Sciences, English Communication is the compulsory AECC in the UG Second semester.

DepartmentPaper codePaperTo offer to students of
LanguageLANG153AECC02English CommunicationHumanities and Social Sciences


MC (Minor Course): 6 credits

‘Minor Course’ is a course to be chosen by a student from a discipline/subject OTHER THAN his/her major department, with an intention to seek exposure beyond his/her major discipline/ subject.

The list of MC (Minor Course) courses offered by various departments for Even Semester 2024-2025 session is given below. The UG SECOND SEMESTER students are requested to choose ANY ONE of these courses EXCEPT THE COURSE OFFERED BY THEIR MAJOR DEPARTMENT. Please note the seat limit and other prerequisites of the course while choosing.

DepartmentPaper codePaperTo offer to students of (Arts/Science Faculty)Seat LimitOccupiedStatus
BengaliBENG154MC02Kalpabignan, Thriller O FantasyBoth5050Closed
ChemistryCHEM154MC02Chemical Energetics, Equilibria & Functional Organic ChemistryScience5239Open
EconomicsECON154MC02Introductory MacroeconomicsBothNo Limit14Open
EnglishENGL154MC02Media and Communication Skills: Digital HumanitiesBoth5050Closed
GeographyGEOG154MC02Natural Hazards and Environmental PollutionBothNo Limit12Open
GeologyGEOL154MC02Rocks And MineralsScience3029Open
HindiHIND154MC02Adhunik BharatiyaKavitaBoth30Open
HistoryHIST154MC02The Twentieth Century WorldBoth4526Open
LanguageLANG154MC02AGerman Language and Culture IBoth2524Open
Life SciencesLISC154MC02Introduction to plant tissue culture and Genetically Modified PlantsScience8011Open
MathematicsMATH154MC02Integral Calculus and Differential EquationsScience7568Open
Performing Arts PFAR154MC02What is PerformanceBoth2022Closed
PhilosophyPHIL154MC02Recent Indian Philosophe rsBoth10017Open
PhysicsPHYS154MC02General Properties of MatterScience6041Open
Political SciencePOLS154MC02BCaste and Politics in IndiaBoth5037Open
SociologySOCL154MC02Family and IntimacyBoth509Open
StatisticsSTAT154MC02Introductory ProbabilityScience4545Closed


NOTE: (i) STAT154MC02 course can choose anyone with knowledge in basic mathematics and basic calculus.

(ii)The classes of German Language and Culture I will take place in e-classroom of central library.


MDC (Multi Disciplinary Courses): 3 credits

MDC is a course from Other Discipline intended to broaden the intellectual experience and forms a part of liberal art and science education.

Students are not allowed to take the same courses studied in the 12th class under the MDC category.

The list of MDC (Multi Disciplinary Courses) courses offered by various departments for Even Semester 2024-2025 session is given below. The UG SECOND SEMESTER students are requested to choose ANY TWO of these courses.

DepartmentPaper codePaperOpen forSeat LimitOccupiedStatus
Astrophysics .ASTP155MDC02Space Time and the UniverseOpen to all students3034Closed
Bengali .BENG155MDC02Bharatiya Sahity Path (Anudita)Open to all students5050Closed
Bengali .BENG156MDC03Antarbidyak Prabandha PathOpen to all students5048Open
ChemistryCHEM156MDC03Elements of Matter and States of MattersOpen to all students except ChemistryNo Limit24Open
Chemistry .CHEM155MDC02Chemistry of Dyes, Colours, Application of Dyes and The Chemistry of FireworksOpen to all studentsNo Limit49Open
Economics .ECON191MDC02Emotional Intelligence and Organizational ExcellenceOpen to all students3029Open
Economics .ECON192MDC03Sports ManagementOpen to all students3034Closed
English .ENGL155MDC02Literature and Popular CultureOpen to all students3039Closed
English .ENGL156MDC03Literature and GenderOpen to all students3038Closed
Geography .GEOG155MDC02Basic Python ProgrammingOpen to all studentsNo Limit82Open
Geography .GEOG156MDC03Rural DevelopmentOpen to all studentsNo Limit63Open
Geology .GEOL191MDC02Computational Techniques and ProgrammingOpen to all science faculty students105Open
Geology .GEOL156MDC03Evolutionary PalaeobiologyOpen to all science faculty students3939Closed
Hindi .HIND155MDC02Tulanatmak SahityaOpen to all students301Open
Hindi .HIND156MDC03 Sahitya Aur ManovigyanOpen to all students305Open
History .HIST155MDC02Everyday Life in HistoryOpen to all students4545Closed
History .HIST156MDC03Women in Indian SocietyOpen to all students4541Open
Life SciencesLISC155MDC02Human Body the works and its careNOT open for students of Life Sciences dept. Open to all other students who did not study Biology at class 12807Open
Life SciencesLISC156MDC03Economic Applications of Plant and Microbial BiotechnologyNOT open for students of Life Sciences dept. Open to all other students who did not study Biology at class 12804Open
MathematicsMATH191MDC02Joy of Numbers 2Those who have not studies Mathematics in 10+2 level50Open
MathematicsMATH192MDC03Elementary geometry: The conic sectionsThose who have not studies Mathematics in 10+2 level50Open
Performing Arts .PFAR192MDC02Let's Watch and ListenStudents of Performing Arts DepartmentNo Limit4Open
PhilosophyPHIL156MDC03Medical EthicsOpen to all students10068Open
Philosophy .PHIL155MDC02Contemporary Ethical Issues in IndiaOpen to all students10062Open
Physics .PHYS155MDC02Laboratory data analysis with Computer ProgrammingFor science faculty students except Physics305Open
Physics .PHYS156MDC03Renewable Energy: Sources and HarvestingOpen to all science faculty students3028Open
Political Science .POLS155MDC02Foundations of Political EconomyOpen to all students5032Open
Political Science .POLS156MDC03Globalisation: Context and IssuesOpen to all students5040Open
Sociology .SOCL155MDC02Studying Kolkata: A city in transitionOpen to all students5045Open
Sociology .SOCL156MDC03Literature & PerformanceOpen to all students5031Open
StatisticsSTAT156MDC03Statistics for PractitionersFor science faculty students except Statistics5031Open
Statistics .STAT155MDC02BAdvanced Concept of Data HandlingOpen to all science faculty students405Open


UG Fourth Semester


The UG (undergraduate) students need to study four types of courses in their Fourth semester – TWO MAJOR courses of 6 credits each, ONE SEC (Skill Enhancement Course) of 4 credits, ONE VAC (Value Added Course) of 3 credits and ONE MC (Minor Course) of 6 credits.

All types of courses offered in the Fourth Semester will be covered under the comprehensive registration.

The courses offered by various departments for the Even Semester 2024-2025 are listed below. The UG Fourth semester students are requested to choose and register for the courses, as per the requirement, within the stipulated timeline.

Major Courses: 6 credits

‘Major’ is a compulsory course studied by a student from his/her own major department.

The list of MAJOR courses offered by various departments for EVEN Semester 2024-2025 session is given below. The UG FOURTH SEMESTER students are requested to register for their respective MAJOR courses.

DepartmentPaper codePaper Name
BengaliBENG251C07Banglar Lokasangskritir Oitihya O Prayogik Shilpakala
BengaliBENG252C08Madhyajug O Adhunik Juger Kabita Path
EconomicsECON251C07Intermediate Microeconomics-II
EconomicsECON252C08Intermediate Macroeconomics-II
EnglishENGL251C07British Poetry and Drama: 17th to 18th Centuries
EnglishENGL252C08British Literature: 18th Century
GeographyGEOG291C08Remote Sensing
HindiHIND251C07Pashchatya Kavyashastra
HindiHIND252C08Bhasha Vigyan Aur Hindi Bhasha
HistoryHIST251C07History of India II (1206 - 1550)
HistoryHIST252C08Rise of Modern West II
Life SciencesLISC251C07Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Life SciencesLISC252C08Ethology and adaptation
MathematicsMATH251C07Sequence and Series of Functions and Metric Spaces
MathematicsMATH252C08Numerical Methods
Performing ArtsPFAR251C07Performance Appreciation - 2
Performing ArtsPFAR291C08Performance Practice - 4
PhilosophyPHIL251C07Systems of Indian Philosophy II
PhilosophyPHIL252C08Issues in Metaphysics and Epistemology
PhysicsPHYS251C07Math. Physics-III
PhysicsPHYS252C08Analog Systems and Applications
Political SciencePOLS251C07Comparative Politics
Political SciencePOLS252C08Alternative Perspectives on International Relations and Global Politics
SociologySOCL251C07Research methods II: Quantitative methods
SociologySOCL252C08Sociological Theory I
StatisticsSTAT251C07Inference II
StatisticsSTAT252C08Survey Sampling and Indian Official Statistics


SEC (Skill Enhancement Course): 5 credits

Skill Enhancement Courses are value-based and/or skill-based and are aimed at providing hands-on-training, competencies, skills, etc. offered by the main discipline/subject of study.

At the beginning of each semester, they need to choose and register for SEC course in a particular time window provided by the university. The students must stick to the registration schedule published on the university website. No request for registration can be entertained after the stipulated dates.

The list of SEC subjects offered by various departments for UG Fourth semester in EVEN Semester 2024-2025 session is given below. The UG FOURTH SEMESTER students are requested to choose ANY ONE of these courses from their respective honours departments.

DepartmentPaper codePaperTo offer to students of
BengaliBENG253SEC02Bangla Anubad CharchaBengali
ChemistryCHEM291SEC02.1Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Chemistry of Noncovalent CompoundsChemistry
EconomicsECON291SEC02Working with DataEconomics
EnglishENGL253SEC02Translation StudiesEnglish
GeographyGEOG292SEC02Field WorkGeography
HindiHIND253SEC02Anuvad : Siddhant Aur PravidhiHindi
HistoryHIST253SEC02AIndian Art and ArchitectureHistory
Life SciencesLISC291SEC02Economic ZoologyLife Sciences
Performing ArtsPFAR292SEC02Project based academic writingPerforming Arts
PhilosophyPHIL291SEC02Seminar Paper Writing and PresentationPhilosophy
PhysicsPHYS253SEC02Modern Analytical InstrumentsPhysics
Political SciencePOLS291SEC02Applied Politics ProjectPolitical Science
SociologySOCL291SEC02Field Visit and report writing Sociology
StatisticsSTAT291SEC02Statistical Computing Using CStatistics


VAC (Value Added Course): 3 credits

For the students of Humanities and Social Sciences & Natural and mathematical sciences, Environmental Science is the compulsory VAC in the UG Fourth semester.

DepartmentPaperPaper CodeTo offer to students ofSeat LimitOccupiedStatus
Bengali .Bharatiya Samaj-sangskriti O Bangalir MulyabodhBENG254VAC02Open to all students5043Open
Chemistry .INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRYCHEM254VAC02Only for Chemistry Major Students5235Open
Economics .Stock Market for BeginnersECON292VAC02Open to all students2524Open
English .Great Indian Thinkers: BR AmbedkarENGL254VAC02Open to all students4036Open
Geography .Survey and Data AnalysisGEOG293VAC02Open to all students3014Open
Hindi .Bharatiya Sanskriti Evam JivanmulyaHIND254VAC02Open to all students3010Open
History .Language: Introductory Persian or SanskritHIST254VAC02Only for History Major Students4531Open
Life Science .Advances in Cancer Diagnostics and TherapeuticsLISC292VAC02Only for Life Sciences Major Students12642Open
Mathematics .Introduction to Data Science with PythonMATH291VAC02BOpen to all students5023Open
Performing Arts .Performance as a Tool for Social EmpowermentPFAR293VAC02Only for Performing Arts Major StudentsNo Limit4Open
Philosophy .How to Act or be Just?PHIL254VAC02Open to all students10017Open
Physics .Computer simulation of electrical and electronic circuitsPHYS254VAC02Only for Physics Major Students3027Open
Political Science .Doing Social Science with dataPOLS292VAC02Only for Political Science, Sociology and History Major Students507Open
Sociology .Introduction to social statistics: A multidisciplinary approach SOCL292VAC02For Sociology Department 31 seats and for other departments 24 seats. 5538Open
Statistics .Data Analysis with PythonSTAT292VAC02Open to all science faculty students4030Open


MC (Minor Course): 6 credits

‘Minor Course’ is a course to be chosen by a student from a discipline/subject OTHER THAN his/her major department, with an intention to seek exposure beyond his/her major discipline/ subject.

The list of MC (Minor Course) courses offered by various departments for Even Semester 2024-2025 session is given below. The UG FOURTH SEMESTER students are requested to choose ANY ONE of these courses EXCEPT THE COURSE OFFERED BY THEIR MAJOR DEPARTMENT. Please note the seat limit and other prerequisites of the course while choosing.

DepartmentPaperPaper CodeTo offer to students ofSeat LimitOccupiedStatus
BengaliJibani, Atmajibani O Jibani SahityaBENG255MC04Both5050Closed
EconomicsIndian Economy IIECON255MC04BothNo Limit21Open
EnglishGender and Human RightsENGL255MC04Both5055Closed
GeographySustainable DevelopmentGEOG255MC04BothNo Limit11Open
HindiSampadan Prakriya Aur Saj-SajjaHIND255MC04Both304Open
HistorySouth Asian Cultures in the Age of NationalismHIST255MC04Both4512Open
Life SciencesModern lifestyle and associated ailmentsLISC255MC04Both8035Open
MathematicsAlgebra IIMATH255MC04Science6024Open
Performing ArtsHow Does Performance WorkPFAR255MC04Both2023Closed
PhilosophyPhilosophy and Peace StudiesPHIL255MC04Both10043Open
PhysicsRadiological PhysicsPHYS255MC04Science4035Open
Political SciencePolitical SociologyPOLS255MC04ABoth5013Open
SociologySociology of MediaSOCL255MC04Both5024Open
StatisticsApplied StatisticsSTAT255MC04Science3021Open


Timeline for EVEN Semester 2024-2025 (for UG Second and Fourth Semester):

Course registration of UG Second and Fourth semester students for EVEN Semester 2024-2025 will commence from 2.00 pm of 7th February. All the students shall register latest by 5.00 pm of 12th February. The students can pay their fees during 7th February to 13th February 2024 to complete the entire course registration process. The students can also change their MC/MDC/AECC/VAC course from 17th February – 20th February 2025. No changes will be allowed after this period. The classes for MC/MDC/AECC/VAC courses will begin from 10th February 2025.

All the students should download their Course registration card from 21st February – 25th February 2025, get it signed by the respective (major) Departmental Coordinator and Head of the Department and keep it with themselves till the end of the semester. The students may be asked to produce the registration card during the examinations, therefore, they must keep the card properly.

The students must stick to the registration and change schedule. No request for registration/ change can be entertained after the stipulated dates.

The students should check the notice board/ contact the office (of the respective VAC/MC department) for exact class routine and other details.

The entire registration process is done ONLINE. It is recommended to use Computer System instead of mobile to apply for registration/ change of courses. To ensure that your registration is done, crosscheck your name in the list of applicants.

Registration of courses shall be completed with online payment of semester fees, examination fees etc. (as applicable) by the students.


Course Registration: 7th February – 12th February 2025

Payment of Fees: 7th February – 13th February 2025

MC/MDC/AECC/VAC Classes Begin: 10th February 2025

MC/MDC/AECC/VAC Change: 17th February – 20th February 2025

Card Download: 21st February – 25th February 2025

Card Submission Last Date: 26th February 2025


The students may contact the faculty coordinator(s) if they need any help. The names of the departmental coordinators are as follows:





Sandip Kumar Mandal


Dibyendu Mallick; Debajyoti Pramanik;


Prithviraj Guha ; Jayeeta Deshmukh ;


Anirban Ray ; Debanjana Nayek ; Mousumi Mondal ; ;


Joy Sanyal


Utsab Ghosal


Rishi Bhusan Choubay


Deepa Khakha; Kishan Sirswal;

English Communication (AECC)

Madhura Damle (Political Science)

Life Science

MD Nur Alam ; Ayan Das ;


Pampa Paul

Performing Arts

Debaroti Chakraborty


Nusrat Jahan; Dibyendu Mondal ;


Subhendu Rajbanshi ; Abhishake Sadhukhan ;

Political Science

Madhura Damle; Y. Suresh Babu ;


Sumita Saha ; Sana Rahman ;


Saurav De



Step 1: Create ABC ID (or if already have an ABC account then go to Step 2)

Step 2: Course Registration

Step 3: Fees Payment

In case of further queries, the students may contact Course Registration Cell Joint Convenors:

Dr. Priyank Pravin Patel, Department of Geography

Dr. Jayeeta Deshmukh, Department of Economics

Dr. Nusrat Jahan, Department of Philosophy

Dr. Debanjana Nayek, Department of English

Controller of Examinations



Applicant List Course Registration Card